Sunday, August 5, 2012

Blinding Light

Shining deep, piercing my heart
I open my eyes and see only light
Bright, full of wonder and glory
Warm yet painful, burning through my soul

Turn away my conscience tells me
But i feel you pulling me ever closer
Gravitating towards the warmth like a bug
Only to realize its deathly contraption

But what is it that im drawn to?
Is it so bad to die looking up?
If we are to spend a short time here
Why not spend it in pursuit?

Staring into my heart,
Your beauty i cannot fathom
But i love you as i close my eyes
I feel your presence in my mind

As i push you away...
I think of you ever more
Leave me so im not chained
But with you in my heart

I am free
I am loved
I am happy
I am not afraid.