Thursday, July 22, 2010

Dead or Alive

What defines our existence?
In strict, biological terms
Living is the ability to reproduce

But we all know that isn't living
Is it courage that keeps us alive?
Courage to march into battle
Though death is imminent and certain
Or is it the courage to stand up 10 stories high
And fall to your death

Is it love that keeps us chugging along?
Love for work, for those around us, for money
A theory bequeaths this idea of love
That maybe love is selfish, for we love so that we are happy
True love is sacrifice, but therein lies misery
Are we all truly living through misery?

What burns within you?
What spark of flame will carry you through the years
What you live for is an itch you cant help but scratch
It is compulsive, a disease that consumes you
Eventually marking your life and how you live it

Living is being here at this moment in time
Not wishing, not waiting, but imprinting
Content with yourself and your actions
An almost selfish endeavor,
Living is for yourself
Living is happiness in you

It is to follow your natural instincts
It makes you tick, makes you leap through time
You look back and wonder what happened...

Are you alive?


  1. the idea of living evolves as age goes on
    everyone is defining their own ways of living, little by little

    think about it, if you spend 30 min doing one thing everyday for 48 years of your life, that's a commitment of one entire year of time, day and night

    and how we've been spending these units of 30 mins? come up with a page rank algorithm that ignites a company called Google? finish a surgery that gives a stranger 20 more years of life? look at the horizon and figure that the Earth is actually a sphere? skim through photos on facebook? taking a shower? arguing about what color to paint on the wall? lying on the bed? or simply stuck on the highway?

    we are defined by these little things we do every single day, aren't we?

    30 minutes a day, we can definitely change the world.

  2. the idea of living is constant.

    the things that make us perceive happiness evolve as time goes on.

    think about it. everything that you and anyone else does is for a reason, a reason that certainly wont purposely hurt themselves. unless they're a masochist and even if they are, then that's cuz they want to feel that pain.

    i agree inspiration and such comes as a result of things we do, but the reason to why we do it is still.. in the end for our benefit.

  3. what do you think that differentiates us from the apes, if all we pursue is our own bananas?

    I'd like to see your version of this sentence :)

  4. the ability see beyond our immediate goal. that's all.

    we are complicated, we make mazes and manipulate situations to achieve that goal. happiness isn't just about finding food anymore; there are a million more links to happiness. but at the end of it all because there are so many options, we eventually become lost in our own maze.
