Monday, December 5, 2011

Unfailing Heart

My heart shattered once
Glue bound it, imperfect cracks
Blood seeping through
Flowing slowly through the veins

Roads guiding blood to the pain
Healed only through time,
Yet time, paused itself
Tortured by the past and present

Where we are in a split second
Our hearts decide
But if that is broken...
What then must we have left

All there is, sorrow and want
We do what we must to try and recover
The wraps and tape we use to cover
Once open for all to see

A wound, red and gray, disgusting and vile
Reveals a weakness in ourselves
pride and ambition arms ready to defend
that which has hurt and will never mend

Broken once, foundation cracked
Will there ever be a chance to regain it back
My heart should be filled with grace and humility
Yet here I stand a sinner, torn apart, rejected, and alone

I need your strength, your love, your unbroken heart

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